Traditional Acupuncture North Lakes Chiropractic
Acupuncturist takes expanded time to comprehensively understand your health concerns and develop the most suitable treatment plan with the aim of improving your overall health and well-being. Peta also tailors treatment plans to overcome dysfunctional patterns as well as tailored treatments towards the correction of specific health concerns of ailments.
Acupuncture treatments are being provided to clients from a professional, modern facility which radiates a relaxing atmosphere while clients enjoy the experience of acupuncture care. Here at North Lakes Chiropractic & acupuncture, your wellness is our top priority.
This treatment triggers specific nerve-rich locations within the body, activating the flow of qi. This allows your body to begin its own natural healing process that often produces a sense of relaxation.
NOTE: For those who wish to experience the benefits of acupuncture but without the use of acupuncture filaments, we also offer needle-free options.
Administered by a qualified Dr of Chinese Medicine, with the help of gentle electric impulses transferred through an acupuncture needle, to the affected region, the aim of Electro-stimulation is to build on the pain reduction effects of acupuncture.
Cupping itself involves the placement of special suctioning cups in vital areas of your body. The aim of Chinese cupping includes the relief of muscle tension, the promotion of blood circulation, and the elimination of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) pathogens with the ultimate goal of well-being restoration .
Please note: Not all cupping methods will produce obvious suction marks on your body.
Guasha itself includes the use of a special tool applied via gently scraping the skin to help break down unwanted scar tissue, with the aim of relieving muscle pain and to facilitate greater local tissue circulation.
Moxibustion involves the utilization of traditional Chinese herbal applications to acupuncture needles. Moxa is utlised in Chinese Acupuncture to warm and invigorate the flow of qi, dispelling pathogenic effects in your body and enhancing the effects of an acupuncture point.
Traditional herbal medicine involve the use of prescribed herbal formulas, liniments, heat patches, and other medicinal plant products, paired with acupuncture therapy to further augment and enhance the effects of acupuncture.
Frequently asked Questions
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of healing customs involving the activation of certain trigger spots in your body to address the abnormalities in the flow of qi through the energy pathways. Although acupuncture is generally related to the insertion of needles into the skin, it is often done by experts along with other techniques such as that involving the burning of herbs (moxibustion) and the use of suctioning cups (cupping).
Is acupuncture painful?
You might feel a little more sensitive in certain areas where the acupuncture needles are inserted, and sometimes people sense a tiny brief sting, but it shouldn’t be that painful. Oftentimes, slight side effects like minor headache and random bruising may be experienced, but give it some time, and it will eventually subside.
What is Chinese herbal medicine made of?
Around 450 substances are usually utilized in Chinese herbal medicine, composing mostly of plant-based materials and occasionally, animal and mineral products. These substances can be packed as lotions, pastes, powders, or tablets, which depends on the type of herb and its planned usage. Some of the traditional herbal medicines used before are no longer existing today, such as those using endangered species’ extract. Consequently, they have been substituted by other substances that perform just as well.
Is acupuncture effective?
Acupuncture has been effective in assisting many people with a range of different health concerns.
These conditions often range from physical health issues such as muscle pain, certain reproductive and digestive problems to mental health issues like stress. It has also been recognized to augment the treatment of conditions such as allergies, arthritis, migraines, and prolonged back pain.
Why should I give acupuncture a shot?
Acupuncture offers you relief from ailments without the use of drugs, which could, to some level, harm the body. It is not only a way of treating these ailments, but it serves as prevention, too. In focuses on the maintenance of your well-being and uses a holistic approach that connects your mind, body, and emotions.
What is the difference between acupuncture and dry needling?
Though both techniques involve the use of needles, these two have vast differences. The main difference being acupuncture is aimed at changing the flow of qi following the traditional Chinese meridians, while dry needling observes evidence-based procedures, endorsed “point” areas, and doses for the remedy of specific ailments. Acupuncture takes the holistic approach while dry needling aims only at the traumatized area.
What should be expected in a typical consultation with an acupuncturist or Chinese medicine practitioner?
The distinctive feature of acupuncture therapy is the holistic tailored remedy. At the first consultation, practitioners will ask detailed questions about your current health apprehensions, previous health conditions, as well as your diet, habits, lifestyle, appetite, sleeping patterns, menstrual cycle (for women), reactions to stress, food, or other susceptibilities.
The practitioner will note and observe other visible health indicators like face color, voice sound, tongue condition, and your wrist’s radial pulse, in order to further isolate what are identified to be your body’s ‘patterns of disharmony’ in traditional Chinese medicine.
Before moving forward to the examination and treatment, your doctor will discuss the options of treatment from which you can choose from.
For further information regarding Acupuncture or to book an appointment, please feel free to contact North Lakes Chiropractic today.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
The Origins of Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese herbal medicine is a slice of a much larger pie of healing methodology known as the TCM or traditional Chinese medicine. Chinese herbal medicine dates back at least 5,000 years ago. It involves the use of natural and comprehensive methods in healthcare whose benefits are acknowledged by people from different cultures and social settings all over the world today.
How is Chinese Herbal Medicine different?
Chinese medicine, as opposed to other treatments, takes on a much inclusive approach to disease prevention and care – not only focusing on the treatment of disease but as well as its prevention.
Some people having similar health conditions may be prescribed with different Chinese herbal medicines because of the varying presentation of symptoms that can occur among them. With this in mind, a corresponding Chinese herbal medicine will be prescribed explicitly to you by our qualified and competent health specialists according to your health condition. As your recovery progresses, the formula given is modified and adjusted until complete healing is achieved.
What substances are used in Chinese herbal medicine?
Plants consist of the majority of substances being used in Chinese herbal medicine, while materials coming from animal and mineral origins may be used as well. These plants may be found conveniently in your own home. Some may be found in your kitchen, namely garlic, cinnamon, and ginger or some in your gardens like the peony flowers and chrysanthemum. Extracts from endangered species were previously used as traditional remedies but now no longer take part in the practice of modern Chinese herbal medicine. We support and uphold the CITES treaty and the list of endangered species it encompasses.
How is Chinese herbal medicine prescribed?
The prescriptions of Chinese herbal medicine may be in pure form or as a mixed formula. Experts in herb preparation will often grind, chop, fry, and slice certain dried herbs according to the prescription given to you.
Chinese herbal medicine has been used for the maintenance of health and the prevention of disease. This is often linked with the optimization of one’s immune system and the enhancement of your overall well-being.
The Origins of Acupuncture
Originating back over 2500 years, Acupuncture represents one of the most traditional healing arts recognised to mankind. Based on traditions dating back thousands of years, Traditional Chinese acupuncture today is still one of the most widely utilised natural health care practices in oriental counties. Steeped in history, traditional Chinese acupuncture represents a holistic basis for healthcare, centred on the axis of the bodies’ own energy (meridian systems), promoting and enhancing the energy flow and life force qi.
How does acupuncture work?
Chinese Acupuncture treatments are performed via skilled Doctors of Chinese Medicine to enhance the energy pathways of your body, removing energy blockages, to allow the normal flow of qi (life force). This is achieved through the insertion of fine, single-use needles in vital nerve-rich points of the body. Stimulation of these points may also be done through the use of other procedures such as acupressure, cupping, electro-simulation, laser therapy, massage, and moxibustion.
Why do people attend an acupuncturist?
Today, people attend Chinese Acupuncturists for a range of muscle, tissue, gastrointestinal, reproductive, energy, and wellbeing related matters.
Book Your Consultation
Contact us today to see for yourself what Chinese acupuncture care can do for you.
Address: 109/53 Endeavour Blvd, North Lakes.
Phone: (07) 3482 4461
Fax: (07) 5438 1008
Email: northlakeschiro1@gmail.com
North Lakes Chiropractic is ideally positioned to provide Chinese Acupuncture for those who live in local areas including Mango Hill, North Brisbane, Kallangur, Redcliffe, Rothwell, Dakabin, Narangba, Petrie, Kurwonbah and Murrumba Downs.